Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Art Slam Finals

So here are the final three pieces that Blake and I were able to come up with.  Given a weeks time, I think they turned out rather well. Props to Blake Eason for the illustrations of the little girl with her father, and the statue.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Renewable Resources

Recently another student (Blake Eason) and myself entered a competition at school. The goal was to create 3 promotional pieces for renewable resources. So far our idea consists of taking inspiration from the Saturday Evening Post and creating magazine adds for the resources.

Here is an example of our rough layout so far

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Daily Sketches

So, I haven't been on in a while. But, that doesn't mean I haven't been busy working on art :P. I just wanted to start working on daily sketches and start sharing them when I could. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Monochromatic Me

Another piece of artwork from my portfolio. This was done in watercolor....and I'm pretty sure this is going to be one of my favorite mediums to work in :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Like I said before...I need to decided on a specific style to study and perfect. But, I love color, I love photography, I love cartoons, I love animation, I love web design, I love line-work, and I love music. Its just so difficult to decide!!

Anyways, here's an example of recent line-work that I've completed.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Portfolio Review

I recently received my portfolio review and was glad to find out that the evaluators had good things to say. On the up side most of my work was deemed creative and well put together. On the down side they thought my style was too diverse.

My goal for the next year will be to hone into a specific style that I should study and develop.

Here is one piece they all seemed to enjoy.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Portfolio sites

Since I recently graduated I've been looking for sites to display my work and get the word out on my designs. I've come across a few different places to share your art, as well as those made specifically for portfolios

Deviant art has added a portfolio to there site, you can check it out here: deviantart portfolio
and Coroflot is set up for portfolios and has job postings: coroflot

I'll add more sites as I find them. Feel free to add any if you know of more

Here are some other sites that may not support portfolios, but you can share your work from them:

Illustration Friday
Concept Art

I've added my own personal portfolio links here: daportfoliocoroflot

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Business Card

I recently finished creating my business card. I wanted to create something simple and elegant, to invoke the feelings and emotions that relay to the type of illustration work I create. Here they are formatted for the printer. Enjoy.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Selling T-shirts

Recently I've been searching for places to sell my t-shirt designs. So far I've found some great places to sell online, but I've not had as much luck looking for places to sell outside the online world. I was thinking about conventions like sci-fi, fantasy, and comic cons; but I wasn't sure where to find information for selling booths at these places. If anyone has information regarding these it would be greatly appreciated. As far as online sources for selling t-shirt designs, here are the most helpful sites I found:
